Variance Reduced Halpern Iteration for Finite-Sum Monotone Inclusions


私たちの主な貢献は、分散削減を使用して複雑さの保証を改善する古典的なハルパーン反復の変形です。この変形では、パラメータ $L$ を使用して、有限和内の $n$ 成分演算子が「平均して」保磁力またはリプシッツ連続で単調になります。

私たちのメソッドの結果として得られるオラクル複雑度は、最後の反復と (計算可能な) 演算子ノルム残差の保証を提供し、 $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}( n + \sqrt{n}L\varepsilon^{-
1})$、既存のメソッドを $\sqrt{n}$ まで改善します。


Machine learning approaches relying on such criteria as adversarial robustness or multi-agent settings have raised the need for solving game-theoretic equilibrium problems. Of particular relevance to these applications are methods targeting finite-sum structure, which generically arises in empirical variants of learning problems in these contexts. Further, methods with computable approximation errors are highly desirable, as they provide verifiable exit criteria. Motivated by these applications, we study finite-sum monotone inclusion problems, which model broad classes of equilibrium problems. Our main contributions are variants of the classical Halpern iteration that employ variance reduction to obtain improved complexity guarantees in which $n$ component operators in the finite sum are “on average” either cocoercive or Lipschitz continuous and monotone, with parameter $L$. The resulting oracle complexity of our methods, which provide guarantees for the last iterate and for a (computable) operator norm residual, is $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}( n + \sqrt{n}L\varepsilon^{-1})$, which improves upon existing methods by a factor up to $\sqrt{n}$. This constitutes the first variance reduction-type result for general finite-sum monotone inclusions and for more specific problems such as convex-concave optimization when operator norm residual is the optimality measure. We further argue that, up to poly-logarithmic factors, this complexity is unimprovable in the monotone Lipschitz setting; i.e., the provided result is near-optimal.


著者 Xufeng Cai,Ahmet Alacaoglu,Jelena Diakonikolas
発行日 2023-10-26 17:47:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク