MimicTouch: Learning Human’s Control Strategy with Multi-Modal Tactile Feedback


次のステップでは、マルチモーダル センサー データと再ターゲットされた人間の動作を使用した模倣学習を通じてロボットを指導します。


In robotics and artificial intelligence, the integration of tactile processing is becoming increasingly pivotal, especially in learning to execute intricate tasks like alignment and insertion. However, existing works focusing on tactile methods for insertion tasks predominantly rely on robot teleoperation data and reinforcement learning, which do not utilize the rich insights provided by human’s control strategy guided by tactile feedback. For utilizing human sensations, methodologies related to learning from humans predominantly leverage visual feedback, often overlooking the invaluable tactile feedback that humans inherently employ to finish complex manipulations. Addressing this gap, we introduce ‘MimicTouch’, a novel framework that mimics human’s tactile-guided control strategy. In this framework, we initially collect multi-modal tactile datasets from human demonstrators, incorporating human tactile-guided control strategies for task completion. The subsequent step involves instructing robots through imitation learning using multi-modal sensor data and retargeted human motions. To further mitigate the embodiment gap between humans and robots, we employ online residual reinforcement learning on the physical robot. Through comprehensive experiments, we validate the safety of MimicTouch in transferring a latent policy learned through imitation learning from human to robot. This ongoing work will pave the way for a broader spectrum of tactile-guided robotic applications.


著者 Kelin Yu,Yunhai Han,Matthew Zhu,Ye Zhao
発行日 2023-10-25 18:34:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク