Physics-Based Object 6D-Pose Estimation during Non-Prehensile Manipulation


我々は、物体がロボットによって把握不可能な操作を受けている間に、その物体の 6D 姿勢を経時的に追跡する方法を提案します。
提案された方法を 2 つのベースラインと比較します。(i) 各タイム ステップで画像ベースの姿勢推定システムのみを使用する方法、および (ii) 計算コストのかかる物理予測を実行せず、物体が移動すると仮定する粒子フィルターを使用する方法。


We propose a method to track the 6D pose of an object over time, while the object is under non-prehensile manipulation by a robot. At any given time during the manipulation of the object, we assume access to the robot joint controls and an image from a camera. We use the robot joint controls to perform a physics-based prediction of how the object might be moving. We then combine this prediction with the observation coming from the camera, to estimate the object pose as accurately as possible. We use a particle filtering approach to combine the control information with the visual information. We compare the proposed method with two baselines: (i) using only an image-based pose estimation system at each time-step, and (ii) a particle filter which does not perform the computationally expensive physics predictions, but assumes the object moves with constant velocity. Our results show that making physics-based predictions is worth the computational cost, resulting in more accurate tracking, and estimating object pose even when the object is not clearly visible to the camera.


著者 Zisong Xu,Rafael Papallas,Mehmet Dogar
発行日 2023-10-24 10:32:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク