When Language Models Fall in Love: Animacy Processing in Transformer Language Models


これは、トランスフォーマー言語モデル (LM) に潜在的な問題を引き起こします。トランスフォーマー言語モデル (LM) は、多くの場合、テキストのみでトレーニングされるため、人間がアニマシーについて学習するための言語外情報にアクセスできません。
私たちは、これが LM のアニマシー処理にどのような影響を与えるのか、LM は依然として人間と同じように行動するのか、と考えます。
私たちはオープンソースの LM を使用してこの質問に答えます。
非典型的な動物性を示す文脈が非常に短い場合でも、LM は微妙な手がかりを見つけて行動を変えます。


Animacy – whether an entity is alive and sentient – is fundamental to cognitive processing, impacting areas such as memory, vision, and language. However, animacy is not always expressed directly in language: in English it often manifests indirectly, in the form of selectional constraints on verbs and adjectives. This poses a potential issue for transformer language models (LMs): they often train only on text, and thus lack access to extralinguistic information from which humans learn about animacy. We ask: how does this impact LMs’ animacy processing – do they still behave as humans do? We answer this question using open-source LMs. Like previous studies, we find that LMs behave much like humans when presented with entities whose animacy is typical. However, we also show that even when presented with stories about atypically animate entities, such as a peanut in love, LMs adapt: they treat these entities as animate, though they do not adapt as well as humans. Even when the context indicating atypical animacy is very short, LMs pick up on subtle clues and change their behavior. We conclude that despite the limited signal through which LMs can learn about animacy, they are indeed sensitive to the relevant lexical semantic nuances available in English.


著者 Michael Hanna,Yonatan Belinkov,Sandro Pezzelle
発行日 2023-10-23 14:57:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク