Motion Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Using Artificial Potential Fields: A Review


動作計画のためのさまざまな手法が研究者によって提案されていますが、その 1 つは人工ポテンシャル フィールドの使用です。
過去 20 年間に何人かの著者が、人工ポテンシャル場アルゴリズムのさまざまな修正バージョンを提案してきました。
従来の APF アプローチのバリエーションにより、以前の欠点に対する答えが得られました。
各記事は、環境タイプ (静的または動的)、評価シナリオ (リアルタイムまたはシミュレート)、およびアルゴリズムの検索パフォーマンスを向上させるために使用される方法を含む基準に基づいて評価されます。


Autonomous ground vehicle systems have found extensive potential and practical applications in the modern world. The development of an autonomous ground vehicle poses a significant challenge, particularly in identifying the best path plan, based on defined performance metrics such as safety margin, shortest time, and energy consumption. Various techniques for motion planning have been proposed by researchers, one of which is the use of artificial potential fields. Several authors in the past two decades have proposed various modified versions of the artificial potential field algorithms. The variations of the traditional APF approach have given an answer to prior shortcomings. This gives potential rise to a strategic survey on the improved versions of this algorithm. This study presents a review of motion planning for autonomous ground vehicles using artificial potential fields. Each article is evaluated based on criteria that involve the environment type, which may be either static or dynamic, the evaluation scenario, which may be real-time or simulated, and the method used for improving the search performance of the algorithm. All the customized designs of planning models are analyzed and evaluated. At the end, the results of the review are discussed, and future works are proposed.


著者 Aziz ur Rehman,Ahsan Tanveer,M. Touseef Ashraf,Umer Khan
発行日 2023-10-22 16:11:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク