Invariance is Key to Generalization: Examining the Role of Representation in Sim-to-Real Transfer for Visual Navigation


私たちは、一般化の鍵は、(i) すべてのタスク関連情報を捕捉するのに十分な量があり、(ii) トレーニング ドメインとテスト ドメイン間の不変または不必要な変動性を備えた表現であると主張します。
さらに、私たちの表現によりトレーニング領域とテスト領域の間の A 距離が減少し、結果として汎化誤差限界が改善されることを示します。


The data-driven approach to robot control has been gathering pace rapidly, yet generalization to unseen task domains remains a critical challenge. We argue that the key to generalization is representations that are (i) rich enough to capture all task-relevant information and (ii) invariant to superfluous variability between the training and the test domains. We experimentally study such a representation — containing both depth and semantic information — for visual navigation and show that it enables a control policy trained entirely in simulated indoor scenes to generalize to diverse real-world environments, both indoors and outdoors. Further, we show that our representation reduces the A-distance between the training and test domains, improving the generalization error bound as a result. Our proposed approach is scalable: the learned policy improves continuously, as the foundation models that it exploits absorb more diverse data during pre-training.


著者 Bo Ai,Zhanxin Wu,David Hsu
発行日 2023-10-23 15:15:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO, I.2.10 パーマリンク