A Canonical Data Transformation for Achieving Inter- and Within-group Fairness


ただし、グループ間の公平性 (グループ公平性とも呼ばれる) を満たすことを目的としたアルゴリズムでは、同じ人口統計グループ内の個人を不注意に不公平に扱う可能性があります。
このフレームワークを COMPAS のリスク評価とロースクールのデータセットに適用し、グループ間およびグループ内の公平性の達成におけるパフォーマンスを 2 つの正則化ベースの手法と比較します。


Increases in the deployment of machine learning algorithms for applications that deal with sensitive data have brought attention to the issue of fairness in machine learning. Many works have been devoted to applications that require different demographic groups to be treated fairly. However, algorithms that aim to satisfy inter-group fairness (also called group fairness) may inadvertently treat individuals within the same demographic group unfairly. To address this issue, we introduce a formal definition of within-group fairness that maintains fairness among individuals from within the same group. We propose a pre-processing framework to meet both inter- and within-group fairness criteria with little compromise in accuracy. The framework maps the feature vectors of members from different groups to an inter-group-fair canonical domain before feeding them into a scoring function. The mapping is constructed to preserve the relative relationship between the scores obtained from the unprocessed feature vectors of individuals from the same demographic group, guaranteeing within-group fairness. We apply this framework to the COMPAS risk assessment and Law School datasets and compare its performance in achieving inter-group and within-group fairness to two regularization-based methods.


著者 Zachary McBride Lazri,Ivan Brugere,Xin Tian,Dana Dachman-Soled,Antigoni Polychroniadou,Danial Dervovic,Min Wu
発行日 2023-10-23 17:00:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク