A Human-Robot Mutual Learning System with Affect-Grounded Language Acquisition and Differential Outcomes Training


私たちは、差分結果トレーニング (DOT) プロトコルを採用しました。これにより、ロボットは、正しい刺激 (例: クッキー) によって満たされた場合、その内部ニーズ (例: 「空腹」) に固有の (差分) フィードバックを提供します。
私たちは、DOT が人間の学習効率を向上させ、それによってロボットの言語習得がより効率的にできるという証拠を発見しました。
ロボットのソフトウェア アーキテクチャは、感情に基づいた言語習得のモデルに基づいて構築されており、ロボットは人間との対話を通じて語彙を内部のニーズ (空腹、渇き、好奇心) と関連付けます。
この論文は、対話型セットアップで実施された初期パイロット研究の結果を示しており、ロボットの言語習得は、非 DOT 制御条件と比較して DOT 条件でより高い収束率を達成することを明らかにしています。


This paper presents a novel human-robot interaction setup for robot and human learning of symbolic language for identifying robot homeostatic needs. The robot and human learn to use and respond to the same language symbols that convey homeostatic needs and the stimuli that satisfy the homeostatic needs, respectively. We adopted a differential outcomes training (DOT) protocol whereby the robot provides feedback specific (differential) to its internal needs (e.g. `hunger’) when satisfied by the correct stimulus (e.g. cookie). We found evidence that DOT can enhance the human’s learning efficiency, which in turn enables more efficient robot language acquisition. The robot used in the study has a vocabulary similar to that of a human infant in the linguistic “babbling” phase. The robot software architecture is built upon a model for affect-grounded language acquisition where the robot associates vocabulary with internal needs (hunger, thirst, curiosity) through interactions with the human. The paper presents the results of an initial pilot study conducted with the interactive setup, which reveal that the robot’s language acquisition achieves higher convergence rate in the DOT condition compared to the non-DOT control condition. Additionally, participants reported positive affective experiences, feeling of being in control, and an empathetic connection with the robot. This mutual learning (teacher-student learning) approach offers a potential contribution of facilitating cognitive interventions with DOT (e.g. for people with dementia) through increased therapy adherence as a result of engaging humans more in training tasks by taking an active teaching-learning role. The homeostatic motivational grounding of the robot’s language acquisition has potential to contribute to more ecologically valid and social (collaborative/nurturing) interactions with robots.


著者 Alva Markelius,Sofia Sjöberg,Zakaria Lemhauori,Laura Cohen,Martin Bergström,Robert Lowe,Lola Cañamero
発行日 2023-10-20 09:41:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.RO, I.2.10 パーマリンク