Neural Degradation Representation Learning for All-In-One Image Restoration


この目的を達成するために、さまざまな劣化の根本的な特性を捉えるニューラル劣化表現 (NDR) を学習することを提案します。
学習された NDR は、基本的な劣化コンポーネントを表すニューラル辞書と同様に、さまざまなタイプの劣化を適応的に分解します。
さらに、劣化プロセスと回復プロセスを交互に最適化することで、NDR を効果的に駆動して劣化表現を学習させる双方向最適化戦略を提案します。
代表的な種類の劣化 (ノイズ、ヘイズ、雨、ダウンサンプリングなど) に関する包括的な実験により、私たちの手法の有効性と一般化能力が実証されています。


Existing methods have demonstrated effective performance on a single degradation type. In practical applications, however, the degradation is often unknown, and the mismatch between the model and the degradation will result in a severe performance drop. In this paper, we propose an all-in-one image restoration network that tackles multiple degradations. Due to the heterogeneous nature of different types of degradations, it is difficult to process multiple degradations in a single network. To this end, we propose to learn a neural degradation representation (NDR) that captures the underlying characteristics of various degradations. The learned NDR decomposes different types of degradations adaptively, similar to a neural dictionary that represents basic degradation components. Subsequently, we develop a degradation query module and a degradation injection module to effectively recognize and utilize the specific degradation based on NDR, enabling the all-in-one restoration ability for multiple degradations. Moreover, we propose a bidirectional optimization strategy to effectively drive NDR to learn the degradation representation by optimizing the degradation and restoration processes alternately. Comprehensive experiments on representative types of degradations (including noise, haze, rain, and downsampling) demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization capability of our method.


著者 Mingde Yao,Ruikang Xu,Yuanshen Guan,Jie Huang,Zhiwei Xiong
発行日 2023-10-19 15:59:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク