The Value-Sensitive Conversational Agent Co-Design Framework


会話エージェント (CA) は、特に生成 AI と大規模言語モデルの出現により、産業界と学術界の両方で注目を集めています。
したがって、このホワイトペーパーの目的は、関連するステークホルダーとの価値重視型 CA の共同設計 (共同設計) を可能にする価値重視型会話エージェント (VSCA) フレームワークを提示することです。
まず、以前の研究で特定された価値に敏感な CA を共同設計するための要件をここで要約します。
このフレームワークは、利害関係者の価値を引き出し、CA チームが CA 実装をガイドする技術的有用性を持つ 3 つの成果物の共同設計を容易にし、価値を具体化した CA プロトタイプの作成を可能にします。


Conversational agents (CAs) are gaining traction in both industry and academia, especially with the advent of generative AI and large language models. As these agents are used more broadly by members of the general public and take on a number of critical use cases and social roles, it becomes important to consider the values embedded in these systems. This consideration includes answering questions such as ‘whose values get embedded in these agents?’ and ‘how do those values manifest in the agents being designed?’ Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to present the Value-Sensitive Conversational Agent (VSCA) Framework for enabling the collaborative design (co-design) of value-sensitive CAs with relevant stakeholders. Firstly, requirements for co-designing value-sensitive CAs which were identified in previous works are summarised here. Secondly, the practical framework is presented and discussed, including its operationalisation into a design toolkit. The framework facilitates the co-design of three artefacts that elicit stakeholder values and have a technical utility to CA teams to guide CA implementation, enabling the creation of value-embodied CA prototypes. Finally, an evaluation protocol for the framework is proposed where the effects of the framework and toolkit are explored in a design workshop setting to evaluate both the process followed and the outcomes produced.


著者 Malak Sadek,Rafael A. Calvo,Celine Mougenot
発行日 2023-10-18 09:58:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク