Exploring Decision-based Black-box Attacks on Face Forgery Detection


電子決済や本人確認などの多くのインテリジェント システムは、顔の偽造検出に依存しています。
一方、既存の攻撃は、予測されたラベルではなくネットワーク アーキテクチャやトレーニング データセットに依存しているため、デプロイされたアプリケーションへの攻撃にギャップが生じています。
最後に、広範な実験により、私たちの手法が、FaceForensics++、CelebDF、産業用 API に対して最先端の攻撃パフォーマンスを達成し、高いクエリ効率と保証された画質を実現できることが実証されました。


Face forgery generation technologies generate vivid faces, which have raised public concerns about security and privacy. Many intelligent systems, such as electronic payment and identity verification, rely on face forgery detection. Although face forgery detection has successfully distinguished fake faces, recent studies have demonstrated that face forgery detectors are very vulnerable to adversarial examples. Meanwhile, existing attacks rely on network architectures or training datasets instead of the predicted labels, which leads to a gap in attacking deployed applications. To narrow this gap, we first explore the decision-based attacks on face forgery detection. However, applying existing decision-based attacks directly suffers from perturbation initialization failure and low image quality. First, we propose cross-task perturbation to handle initialization failures by utilizing the high correlation of face features on different tasks. Then, inspired by using frequency cues by face forgery detection, we propose the frequency decision-based attack. We add perturbations in the frequency domain and then constrain the visual quality in the spatial domain. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art attack performance on FaceForensics++, CelebDF, and industrial APIs, with high query efficiency and guaranteed image quality. Further, the fake faces by our method can pass face forgery detection and face recognition, which exposes the security problems of face forgery detectors.


著者 Zhaoyu Chen,Bo Li,Kaixun Jiang,Shuang Wu,Shouhong Ding,Wenqiang Zhang
発行日 2023-10-18 14:49:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.CY パーマリンク