Crystal: Introspective Reasoners Reinforced with Self-Feedback


我々は、内省的な常識推論ツールである Crystal を開発するための新しい方法を提案します。
実験によると、Crystal は標準的な教師付き微調整手法と思考連鎖抽出手法の両方を大幅に上回り、常識的推論プロセスの透明性が向上します。
私たちの研究は最終的に、自己フィードバックによるニューラル モデルの強化の実現可能性と可能性を検証します。


Extensive work has shown that the performance and interpretability of commonsense reasoning can be improved via knowledge-augmented reasoning methods, where the knowledge that underpins the reasoning process is explicitly verbalized and utilized. However, existing implementations, including ‘chain-of-thought’ and its variants, fall short in capturing the introspective nature of knowledge required in commonsense reasoning, and in accounting for the mutual adaptation between the generation and utilization of knowledge. We propose a novel method to develop an introspective commonsense reasoner, Crystal. To tackle commonsense problems, it first introspects for knowledge statements related to the given question, and subsequently makes an informed prediction that is grounded in the previously introspected knowledge. The knowledge introspection and knowledge-grounded reasoning modes of the model are tuned via reinforcement learning to mutually adapt, where the reward derives from the feedback given by the model itself. Experiments show that Crystal significantly outperforms both the standard supervised finetuning and chain-of-thought distilled methods, and enhances the transparency of the commonsense reasoning process. Our work ultimately validates the feasibility and potential of reinforcing a neural model with self-feedback.


著者 Jiacheng Liu,Ramakanth Pasunuru,Hannaneh Hajishirzi,Yejin Choi,Asli Celikyilmaz
発行日 2023-10-18 14:52:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク