BayesDiff: Estimating Pixel-wise Uncertainty in Diffusion via Bayesian Inference


これに対処するために、ベイズ推論に基づいた拡散モデルからの世代に対するピクセル単位の不確実性推定器である BayesDiff を提案します。
広範な実験により、BayesDiff の有効性と実際のアプリケーションへの期待が実証されています。


Diffusion models have impressive image generation capability, but low-quality generations still exist, and their identification remains challenging due to the lack of a proper sample-wise metric. To address this, we propose BayesDiff, a pixel-wise uncertainty estimator for generations from diffusion models based on Bayesian inference. In particular, we derive a novel uncertainty iteration principle to characterize the uncertainty dynamics in diffusion, and leverage the last-layer Laplace approximation for efficient Bayesian inference. The estimated pixel-wise uncertainty can not only be aggregated into a sample-wise metric to filter out low-fidelity images but also aids in augmenting successful generations and rectifying artifacts in failed generations in text-to-image tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of BayesDiff and its promise for practical applications.


著者 Siqi Kou,Lei Gan,Dequan Wang,Chongxuan Li,Zhijie Deng
発行日 2023-10-17 10:45:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク