A new economic and financial theory of money


評価と意思決定に使用されるリスク モデルは、割引率につながる、普遍的ではあるが不適切な指数関数的リスク モデルではなく、真のリスクを捉える複数の時間スケール モデルになります。
最後に、サブ経済は、短期的な開発に関連する安定した平衡と、マルチスケール システムの応答関数と DRL に基づくアクティブな非線形制御によって安定化する必要がある不安定な平衡の両方を備えた非線形の複雑な物理システムとして見なされます。


This paper fundamentally reformulates economic and financial theory to include electronic currencies. The valuation of the electronic currencies will be based on macroeconomic theory and the fundamental equation of monetary policy, not the microeconomic theory of discounted cash flows. The view of electronic currency as a transactional equity associated with tangible assets of a sub-economy will be developed, in contrast to the view of stock as an equity associated mostly with intangible assets of a sub-economy. The view will be developed of the electronic currency management firm as an entity responsible for coordinated monetary (electronic currency supply and value stabilization) and fiscal (investment and operational) policies of a substantial (for liquidity of the electronic currency) sub-economy. The risk model used in the valuations and the decision-making will not be the ubiquitous, yet inappropriate, exponential risk model that leads to discount rates, but will be multi time scale models that capture the true risk. The decision-making will be approached from the perspective of true systems control based on a system response function given by the multi scale risk model and system controllers that utilize the Deep Reinforcement Learning, Generative Pretrained Transformers, and other methods of Artificial Intelligence (DRL/GPT/AI). Finally, the sub-economy will be viewed as a nonlinear complex physical system with both stable equilibriums that are associated with short-term exploitation, and unstable equilibriums that need to be stabilized with active nonlinear control based on the multi scale system response functions and DRL/GPT/AI.


著者 Michael E. Glinsky,Sharon Sievert
発行日 2023-10-17 17:17:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, econ.TH, physics.class-ph パーマリンク