私たちは、同期的な単調なセットアップにおけるマルチロボットの幾何学的タスクおよび動作計画 (MR-GTAMP) の問題に取り組みます。
MR-GTAMP 問題の目標は、他の移動可能なオブジェクトが存在する中で、複数のロボットを使用してオブジェクトをゴール領域まで移動させることです。
協調的なタスクと動作の計画の検索プロセスは、探索と活用のバランスを達成するためのモンテカルロ ツリー探索 (MCTS) 探索戦略に基づいています。
私たちは 2 つの困難な MR-GTAMP ドメインでフレームワークを評価し、計画時間、結果として生じる計画の長さ、移動されたオブジェクトの数に関して 2 つの最先端のベースラインを上回るパフォーマンスを示しました。
シミュレーションとロボットの両方で、2 つの屋根ボルト締めシナリオで計画の実行を実証します。
We address multi-robot geometric task-and-motion planning (MR-GTAMP) problems in synchronous, monotone setups. The goal of the MR-GTAMP problem is to move objects with multiple robots to goal regions in the presence of other movable objects. We focus on collaborative manipulation tasks where the robots have to adopt intelligent collaboration strategies to be successful and effective, i.e., decide which robot should move which objects to which positions, and perform collaborative actions, such as handovers. To endow robots with these collaboration capabilities, we propose to first collect occlusion and reachability information for each robot by calling motion-planning algorithms. We then propose a method that uses the collected information to build a graph structure which captures the precedence of the manipulations of different objects and supports the implementation of a mixed-integer program to guide the search for highly effective collaborative task-and-motion plans. The search process for collaborative task-and-motion plans is based on a Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) exploration strategy to achieve exploration-exploitation balance. We evaluate our framework in two challenging MR-GTAMP domains and show that it outperforms two state-of-the-art baselines with respect to the planning time, the resulting plan length and the number of objects moved. We also show that our framework can be applied to underground mining operations where a robotic arm needs to coordinate with an autonomous roof bolter. We demonstrate plan execution in two roof-bolting scenarios both in simulation and on robots.
著者 | Hejia Zhang,Shao-Hung Chan,Jie Zhong,Jiaoyang Li,Peter Kolapo,Sven Koenig,Zach Agioutantis,Steven Schafrik,Stefanos Nikolaidis |
発行日 | 2023-10-13 01:20:17+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google