DIT4BEARs Smart Roads Internship


ノルウェー北極大学 UiT での研究インターンシップは、「スマート 道路 – 冬季道路メンテナンス 2021」ハッカソンの優勝者である私たちのチームに提供されました。
私たちは、状態 (乾燥、湿潤、湿潤、氷、雪、ぬかるみ) を分類するために、いくつかの深層学習モデルを開発および実装しました。
経路探索アルゴリズムは、センサー データ、オープンストリート マップ データ、気象データを使用して設計されています。


The research internship at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway was offered for our team being the winner of the ‘Smart Roads – Winter Road Maintenance 2021’ Hackathon. The internship commenced on 3 May 2021 and ended on 21 May 2021 with meetings happening twice each week. In spite of having different nationalities and educational backgrounds, we both interns tried to collaborate as a team as much as possible. The most alluring part was working on this project made us realize the critical conditions faced by the arctic people, where it was hard to gain such a unique experience from our residence. We developed and implemented several deep learning models to classify the states (dry, moist, wet, icy, snowy, slushy). Depending upon the best model, the weather forecast app will predict the state taking the Ta, Tsurf, Height, Speed, Water, etc. into consideration. The crucial part was to define a safety metric which is the product of the accident rates based on friction and the accident rates based on states. We developed a regressor that will predict the safety metric depending upon the state obtained from the classifier and the friction obtained from the sensor data. A pathfinding algorithm has been designed using the sensor data, open street map data, weather data.


著者 Md Abrar Jahin,Andrii Krutsylo
発行日 2023-10-13 13:19:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク