Characterizing climate pathways using feature importance on echo state networks


この論文では、気候経路を特徴付けるためのエコー状態ネットワーク (ESN) の使用について検討します。
ESN は、時間データ用に設計された計算効率の高いニューラル ネットワークのバリエーションであり、最近の研究では、時空間気候データを予測するための有用なツールとして ESN が提案されています。
他のニューラル ネットワークと同様、ESN は解釈不可能なブラック ボックス モデルであるため、変数の関係を理解するのにハードルが生じます。
私たちは、時空間データのコンテキストで ESN の特徴重要度手法を開発し、モデルによってキャプチャされた変数の関係を定量化することで、この問題に対処します。
気候の適用では、1991 年のピナツボ山の火山噴火を含む期間を選択します。


The 2022 National Defense Strategy of the United States listed climate change as a serious threat to national security. Climate intervention methods, such as stratospheric aerosol injection, have been proposed as mitigation strategies, but the downstream effects of such actions on a complex climate system are not well understood. The development of algorithmic techniques for quantifying relationships between source and impact variables related to a climate event (i.e., a climate pathway) would help inform policy decisions. Data-driven deep learning models have become powerful tools for modeling highly nonlinear relationships and may provide a route to characterize climate variable relationships. In this paper, we explore the use of an echo state network (ESN) for characterizing climate pathways. ESNs are a computationally efficient neural network variation designed for temporal data, and recent work proposes ESNs as a useful tool for forecasting spatio-temporal climate data. Like other neural networks, ESNs are non-interpretable black-box models, which poses a hurdle for understanding variable relationships. We address this issue by developing feature importance methods for ESNs in the context of spatio-temporal data to quantify variable relationships captured by the model. We conduct a simulation study to assess and compare the feature importance techniques, and we demonstrate the approach on reanalysis climate data. In the climate application, we select a time period that includes the 1991 volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo. This event was a significant stratospheric aerosol injection, which we use as a proxy for an artificial stratospheric aerosol injection. Using the proposed approach, we are able to characterize relationships between pathway variables associated with this event.


著者 Katherine Goode,Daniel Ries,Kellie McClernon
発行日 2023-10-12 16:55:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.AP, stat.ML パーマリンク