TidyBot: Personalized Robot Assistance with Large Language Models


私たちは、ロボットが言語ベースの計画と認識を大規模言語モデル (LLM) の少数ショット要約機能と組み合わせて、将来の対話に広く適用できる一般化されたユーザーの好みを推測できることを示します。
このアプローチにより、迅速な適応が可能になり、ベンチマーク データセット内の目に見えないオブジェクトに対して 91.2% の精度を達成します。
また、TidyBot と呼ばれる実世界のモバイル マニピュレーターでのアプローチも実証し、実世界のテスト シナリオで 85.0% のオブジェクトをうまく片付けます。


For a robot to personalize physical assistance effectively, it must learn user preferences that can be generally reapplied to future scenarios. In this work, we investigate personalization of household cleanup with robots that can tidy up rooms by picking up objects and putting them away. A key challenge is determining the proper place to put each object, as people’s preferences can vary greatly depending on personal taste or cultural background. For instance, one person may prefer storing shirts in the drawer, while another may prefer them on the shelf. We aim to build systems that can learn such preferences from just a handful of examples via prior interactions with a particular person. We show that robots can combine language-based planning and perception with the few-shot summarization capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to infer generalized user preferences that are broadly applicable to future interactions. This approach enables fast adaptation and achieves 91.2% accuracy on unseen objects in our benchmark dataset. We also demonstrate our approach on a real-world mobile manipulator called TidyBot, which successfully puts away 85.0% of objects in real-world test scenarios.


著者 Jimmy Wu,Rika Antonova,Adam Kan,Marion Lepert,Andy Zeng,Shuran Song,Jeannette Bohg,Szymon Rusinkiewicz,Thomas Funkhouser
発行日 2023-10-11 17:59:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク