ScaleCrafter: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Visual Generation with Diffusion Models


解像度 512 x 512 のトレーニング画像を使用して事前トレーニングされた安定拡散を使用して、より高解像度の 1024 x 1024 で画像を直接生成すると、オブジェクトの繰り返しと不合理なオブジェクト構造という永続的な問題が観察されます。
新しい視点として、拡散モデルにおける U-Net の構造コンポーネントを調査し、畳み込みカーネルの限られた知覚フィールドとして決定的な原因を特定します。
我々はさらに、超高解像度画像生成 (例: 4096 x 4096) を可能にする分散畳み込みおよびノイズ減衰分類器を使用しないガイダンスを提案します。


In this work, we investigate the capability of generating images from pre-trained diffusion models at much higher resolutions than the training image sizes. In addition, the generated images should have arbitrary image aspect ratios. When generating images directly at a higher resolution, 1024 x 1024, with the pre-trained Stable Diffusion using training images of resolution 512 x 512, we observe persistent problems of object repetition and unreasonable object structures. Existing works for higher-resolution generation, such as attention-based and joint-diffusion approaches, cannot well address these issues. As a new perspective, we examine the structural components of the U-Net in diffusion models and identify the crucial cause as the limited perception field of convolutional kernels. Based on this key observation, we propose a simple yet effective re-dilation that can dynamically adjust the convolutional perception field during inference. We further propose the dispersed convolution and noise-damped classifier-free guidance, which can enable ultra-high-resolution image generation (e.g., 4096 x 4096). Notably, our approach does not require any training or optimization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can address the repetition issue well and achieve state-of-the-art performance on higher-resolution image synthesis, especially in texture details. Our work also suggests that a pre-trained diffusion model trained on low-resolution images can be directly used for high-resolution visual generation without further tuning, which may provide insights for future research on ultra-high-resolution image and video synthesis.


著者 Yingqing He,Shaoshu Yang,Haoxin Chen,Xiaodong Cun,Menghan Xia,Yong Zhang,Xintao Wang,Ran He,Qifeng Chen,Ying Shan
発行日 2023-10-11 17:52:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク