CM-PIE: Cross-modal perception for interactive-enhanced audio-visual video parsing


このタスクの最近の方法では、アテンション メカニズムを活用して、視聴覚モダリティ全体のビデオ全体の意味的相関関係をキャプチャします。
実験結果は、このモデルが他の方法と比較して、Look、Listen、および Parse データセットの解析パフォーマンスが向上していることを示しています。


Audio-visual video parsing is the task of categorizing a video at the segment level with weak labels, and predicting them as audible or visible events. Recent methods for this task leverage the attention mechanism to capture the semantic correlations among the whole video across the audio-visual modalities. However, these approaches have overlooked the importance of individual segments within a video and the relationship among them, and tend to rely on a single modality when learning features. In this paper, we propose a novel interactive-enhanced cross-modal perception method~(CM-PIE), which can learn fine-grained features by applying a segment-based attention module. Furthermore, a cross-modal aggregation block is introduced to jointly optimize the semantic representation of audio and visual signals by enhancing inter-modal interactions. The experimental results show that our model offers improved parsing performance on the Look, Listen, and Parse dataset compared to other methods.


著者 Yaru Chen,Ruohao Guo,Xubo Liu,Peipei Wu,Guangyao Li,Zhenbo Li,Wenwu Wang
発行日 2023-10-11 14:15:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.MM, I.2.10, I.4.8 パーマリンク