Trustworthy Formal Natural Language Specifications


インタラクティブ証明アシスタントは、人間が設計した数学的主張の証明を実装に高い信頼性を持ってチェックするために慎重に構築されたコンピュータ プログラムです。
私たちのアプローチは拡張可能 (文法構造に永続的な制限を設けない) で、モジュール型 (新しい単語に関する情報をライブラリと一緒に配布できる) であり、各単語がどのように解釈されたか、および文の構造が意味を計算するためにどのように使用されたかを説明する証明証明書を生成します。


Interactive proof assistants are computer programs carefully constructed to check a human-designed proof of a mathematical claim with high confidence in the implementation. However, this only validates truth of a formal claim, which may have been mistranslated from a claim made in natural language. This is especially problematic when using proof assistants to formally verify the correctness of software with respect to a natural language specification. The translation from informal to formal remains a challenging, time-consuming process that is difficult to audit for correctness. This paper shows that it is possible to build support for specifications written in expressive subsets of natural language, within existing proof assistants, consistent with the principles used to establish trust and auditability in proof assistants themselves. We implement a means to provide specifications in a modularly extensible formal subset of English, and have them automatically translated into formal claims, entirely within the Lean proof assistant. Our approach is extensible (placing no permanent restrictions on grammatical structure), modular (allowing information about new words to be distributed alongside libraries), and produces proof certificates explaining how each word was interpreted and how the sentence’s structure was used to compute the meaning. We apply our prototype to the translation of various English descriptions of formal specifications from a popular textbook into Lean formalizations; all can be translated correctly with a modest lexicon with only minor modifications related to lexicon size.


著者 Colin S. Gordon,Sergey Matskevich
発行日 2023-10-05 20:41:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.PL パーマリンク