Saliency-Guided Hidden Associative Replay for Continual Learning


継続学習は、人間の学習に似た一連のタスクを通じてニューラル ネットワークをトレーニングすることに焦点を当てた、次世代 AI の急成長分野です。
CL は従来の教師あり学習よりも優れていますが、致命的な忘れを防止し、その後の学習中に以前のタスクを確実に保持することがその中心的な課題として残っています。
ただし、これらの方法はメモリを大量に消費し、データ サンプル全体を保存することが多く、これは人間が重要な経験を選択的に記憶する方法とは矛盾します。
SHARC は主に、スパース メモリ エンコーディングを介して顕著なデータ セグメントをアーカイブします。


Continual Learning is a burgeoning domain in next-generation AI, focusing on training neural networks over a sequence of tasks akin to human learning. While CL provides an edge over traditional supervised learning, its central challenge remains to counteract catastrophic forgetting and ensure the retention of prior tasks during subsequent learning. Amongst various strategies to tackle this, replay based methods have emerged as preeminent, echoing biological memory mechanisms. However, these methods are memory intensive, often preserving entire data samples, an approach inconsistent with humans selective memory retention of salient experiences. While some recent works have explored the storage of only significant portions of data in episodic memory, the inherent nature of partial data necessitates innovative retrieval mechanisms. Current solutions, like inpainting, approximate full data reconstruction from partial cues, a method that diverges from genuine human memory processes. Addressing these nuances, this paper presents the Saliency Guided Hidden Associative Replay for Continual Learning. This novel framework synergizes associative memory with replay-based strategies. SHARC primarily archives salient data segments via sparse memory encoding. Importantly, by harnessing associative memory paradigms, it introduces a content focused memory retrieval mechanism, promising swift and near-perfect recall, bringing CL a step closer to authentic human memory processes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method for various continual learning tasks.


著者 Guangji Bai,Qilong Zhao,Xiaoyang Jiang,Yifei Zhang,Liang Zhao
発行日 2023-10-06 15:54:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク