Roadmaps with Gaps over Controllers: Achieving Efficiency in Planning under Dynamics


オンラインでは、クエリが与えられると、ツリー サンプリング ベースのモーション プランナーがロードマップを使用して、ツリーの拡張が目標領域に向かって通知されるようにします。


This paper aims to improve the computational efficiency of motion planning for mobile robots with non-trivial dynamics by taking advantage of learned controllers. It adopts a decoupled strategy, where a system-specific controller is first trained offline in an empty environment to deal with the system’s dynamics. For an environment, the proposed approach constructs offline a data structure, a ‘Roadmap with Gaps,’ to approximately learn how to solve planning queries in this environment using the learned controller. Its nodes correspond to local regions and edges correspond to applications of the learned control policy that approximately connect these regions. Gaps arise due to the controller not perfectly connecting pairs of individual states along edges. Online, given a query, a tree sampling-based motion planner uses the roadmap so that the tree’s expansion is informed towards the goal region. The tree expansion selects local subgoals given a wavefront on the roadmap that guides towards the goal. When the controller cannot reach a subgoal region, the planner resorts to random exploration to maintain probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality. The experimental evaluation shows that the approach significantly improves the computational efficiency of motion planning on various benchmarks, including physics-based vehicular models on uneven and varying friction terrains as well as a quadrotor under air pressure effects.


著者 Aravind Sivaramakrishnan,Noah R. Carver,Sumanth Tangirala,Kostas E. Bekris
発行日 2023-10-05 01:21:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク