Extreme sparsification of physics-augmented neural networks for interpretable model discovery in mechanics


ニューラル ネットワークを使用したデータ駆動型の構成モデリングは、物理的および機構的な制約を容易に組み込むことができ、観察された物質の反応を正確に捕捉できる現象学的構成法則を定式化するという困難で時間のかかる作業を克服できるため、近年関心が高まっています。
ただし、ニューラル ネットワーク ベースの構成法則はうまく一般化できることが示されていますが、生成された表現は、トレーニング可能なパラメーターの数が多いため、簡単に解釈できません。
この研究では、$L^{0}$-正規化の平滑化バージョンを利用して、正則化された物理拡張ニューラル ネットワーク ベースの構成モデルをトレーニングすることを提案します。
トレーニング プロセス中、ネットワークは同時にトレーニング データを適合させ、アクティブなパラメーターの数にペナルティを課すと同時に、熱力学的一貫性などの構成上の制約も確保します。


Data-driven constitutive modeling with neural networks has received increased interest in recent years due to its ability to easily incorporate physical and mechanistic constraints and to overcome the challenging and time-consuming task of formulating phenomenological constitutive laws that can accurately capture the observed material response. However, even though neural network-based constitutive laws have been shown to generalize proficiently, the generated representations are not easily interpretable due to their high number of trainable parameters. Sparse regression approaches exist that allow to obtaining interpretable expressions, but the user is tasked with creating a library of model forms which by construction limits their expressiveness to the functional forms provided in the libraries. In this work, we propose to train regularized physics-augmented neural network-based constitutive models utilizing a smoothed version of $L^{0}$-regularization. This aims to maintain the trustworthiness inherited by the physical constraints, but also enables interpretability which has not been possible thus far on any type of machine learning-based constitutive model where model forms were not assumed a-priory but were actually discovered. During the training process, the network simultaneously fits the training data and penalizes the number of active parameters, while also ensuring constitutive constraints such as thermodynamic consistency. We show that the method can reliably obtain interpretable and trustworthy constitutive models for compressible and incompressible hyperelasticity, yield functions, and hardening models for elastoplasticity, for synthetic and experimental data.


著者 Jan N. Fuhg,Reese E. Jones,Nikolaos Bouklas
発行日 2023-10-05 16:28:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 74B20, cs.CE, cs.LG, secondary パーマリンク