Human-centric Behavior Description in Videos: New Benchmark and Model


現在、ビデオ レベルのキャプション データセットでは、各個人の特定の行動についての詳細な説明を提供できません。
この課題に対処するために、私たちは、7,820 人の動的な行動の詳細な説明を提供する人間中心のビデオ監視キャプション データセットを構築しました。
具体的には、場所、服装、シーン内の他の要素とのやり取りなど、各人物のいくつかの側面にラベルを付け、これらの人物が 1,012 個のビデオに分散されています。


In the domain of video surveillance, describing the behavior of each individual within the video is becoming increasingly essential, especially in complex scenarios with multiple individuals present. This is because describing each individual’s behavior provides more detailed situational analysis, enabling accurate assessment and response to potential risks, ensuring the safety and harmony of public places. Currently, video-level captioning datasets cannot provide fine-grained descriptions for each individual’s specific behavior. However, mere descriptions at the video-level fail to provide an in-depth interpretation of individual behaviors, making it challenging to accurately determine the specific identity of each individual. To address this challenge, we construct a human-centric video surveillance captioning dataset, which provides detailed descriptions of the dynamic behaviors of 7,820 individuals. Specifically, we have labeled several aspects of each person, such as location, clothing, and interactions with other elements in the scene, and these people are distributed across 1,012 videos. Based on this dataset, we can link individuals to their respective behaviors, allowing for further analysis of each person’s behavior in surveillance videos. Besides the dataset, we propose a novel video captioning approach that can describe individual behavior in detail on a person-level basis, achieving state-of-the-art results. To facilitate further research in this field, we intend to release our dataset and code.


著者 Lingru Zhou,Yiqi Gao,Manqing Zhang,Peng Wu,Peng Wang,Yanning Zhang
発行日 2023-10-04 15:31:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク