Safe Non-Stochastic Control of Control-Affine Systems: An Online Convex Optimization Approach


私たちは、有界非確率ノイズ、つまり先験的に未知であり、必ずしも確率モデルによって支配されないノイズによって破損した非線形制御アフィン システムを安全に制御する方法を研究します。
(i) 直立状態を維持することを目的とする倒立振子、および (ii) 未知の乱雑な環境を通ってゴール位置に飛行することを目的とするクワッドローターのシミュレートされたシナリオでアルゴリズムを検証します。


We study how to safely control nonlinear control-affine systems that are corrupted with bounded non-stochastic noise, i.e., noise that is unknown a priori and that is not necessarily governed by a stochastic model. We focus on safety constraints that take the form of time-varying convex constraints such as collision-avoidance and control-effort constraints. We provide an algorithm with bounded dynamic regret, i.e., bounded suboptimality against an optimal clairvoyant controller that knows the realization of the noise a prior. We are motivated by the future of autonomy where robots will autonomously perform complex tasks despite real-world unpredictable disturbances such as wind gusts. To develop the algorithm, we capture our problem as a sequential game between a controller and an adversary, where the controller plays first, choosing the control input, whereas the adversary plays second, choosing the noise’s realization. The controller aims to minimize its cumulative tracking error despite being unable to know the noise’s realization a prior. We validate our algorithm in simulated scenarios of (i) an inverted pendulum aiming to stay upright, and (ii) a quadrotor aiming to fly to a goal location through an unknown cluttered environment.


著者 Hongyu Zhou,Yichen Song,Vasileios Tzoumas
発行日 2023-09-28 19:51:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク