Flow-based density of states for complex actions


フローの正規化に基づいた新たなサンプリング アルゴリズムには、格子計算におけるエルゴード性の問題を解決できる可能性があります。
この原理証明研究では、$O(2)$ 対称性が虚数の外部場によって明示的に破られる 2 成分スカラー場理論の文脈で私たちの方法を実証します。
まず、正確に解くことができる 0 次元の場合に焦点を当てます。
私たちの方法を使用すると、関連する分割関数の Lee-Yang ゼロが正常に特定できることを示します。
続いて、フローベースのアプローチが、1 次元および 2 次元モデルで従来の方法で計算された密度を正確に再現することを確認します。


Emerging sampling algorithms based on normalizing flows have the potential to solve ergodicity problems in lattice calculations. Furthermore, it has been noted that flows can be used to compute thermodynamic quantities which are difficult to access with traditional methods. This suggests that they are also applicable to the density-of-states approach to complex action problems. In particular, flow-based sampling may be used to compute the density directly, in contradistinction to the conventional strategy of reconstructing it via measuring and integrating the derivative of its logarithm. By circumventing this procedure, the accumulation of errors from the numerical integration is avoided completely and the overall normalization factor can be determined explicitly. In this proof-of-principle study, we demonstrate our method in the context of two-component scalar field theory where the $O(2)$ symmetry is explicitly broken by an imaginary external field. First, we concentrate on the zero-dimensional case which can be solved exactly. We show that with our method, the Lee-Yang zeroes of the associated partition function can be successfully located. Subsequently, we confirm that the flow-based approach correctly reproduces the density computed with conventional methods in one- and two-dimensional models.


著者 Jan M. Pawlowski,Julian M. Urban
発行日 2023-09-29 17:17:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.stat-mech, cs.LG, hep-lat パーマリンク