Unsupervised Fact Verification by Language Model Distillation


注釈付きのクレームのコーパスとそれに対応するラベルを学習することでアライメント問題に取り組んだ以前の研究とは対照的に、我々は、事前にトレーニングされた言語モデルを活用する新しい教師なしフレームワークである SFAVEL (言語モデル蒸留による自己教師あり事実検証) を提案します。
特に、線形評価による標準的な FEVER 事実検証ベンチマーク (精度 +8%) で新しい最先端を達成する結果を示しています。


Unsupervised fact verification aims to verify a claim using evidence from a trustworthy knowledge base without any kind of data annotation. To address this challenge, algorithms must produce features for every claim that are both semantically meaningful, and compact enough to find a semantic alignment with the source information. In contrast to previous work, which tackled the alignment problem by learning over annotated corpora of claims and their corresponding labels, we propose SFAVEL (Self-supervised Fact Verification via Language Model Distillation), a novel unsupervised framework that leverages pre-trained language models to distil self-supervised features into high-quality claim-fact alignments without the need for annotations. This is enabled by a novel contrastive loss function that encourages features to attain high-quality claim and evidence alignments whilst preserving the semantic relationships across the corpora. Notably, we present results that achieve a new state-of-the-art on the standard FEVER fact verification benchmark (+8% accuracy) with linear evaluation.


著者 Adrián Bazaga,Pietro Liò,Gos Micklem
発行日 2023-09-28 15:53:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク