Learning to Assist Different Wearers in Multitasks: Efficient and Individualized Human-In-the-Loop Adaption Framework for Exoskeleton Robots


下肢外骨格ロボットを使用する一般的な目的の 1 つは、所定のタスクや人間の動作意図に従って、装着者の体重をサポートし、身体能力を増強することで、装着者を支援することです。
さまざまなタスクに対応するために、ニューラル ネットワークを使用してタスク トランスレーターが構築され、軌道をより複雑なシナリオに一般化します。
これらの一般化技術は、安全性を確保しながら支援を提供するために外骨格を調整する統一可変インピーダンス モデルに統合されています。


One of the typical purposes of using lower-limb exoskeleton robots is to provide assistance to the wearer by supporting their weight and augmenting their physical capabilities according to a given task and human motion intentions. The generalizability of robots across different wearers in multiple tasks is important to ensure that the robot can provide correct and effective assistance in actual implementation. However, most lower-limb exoskeleton robots exhibit only limited generalizability. Therefore, this paper proposes a human-in-the-loop learning and adaptation framework for exoskeleton robots to improve their performance in various tasks and for different wearers. To suit different wearers, an individualized walking trajectory is generated online using dynamic movement primitives and Bayes optimization. To accommodate various tasks, a task translator is constructed using a neural network to generalize a trajectory to more complex scenarios. These generalization techniques are integrated into a unified variable impedance model, which regulates the exoskeleton to provide assistance while ensuring safety. In addition, an anomaly detection network is developed to quantitatively evaluate the wearer’s comfort, which is considered in the trajectory learning procedure and contributes to the relaxation of conflicts in impedance control. The proposed framework is easy to implement, because it requires proprioceptive sensors only to perform and deploy data-efficient learning schemes. This makes the exoskeleton practical for deployment in complex scenarios, accommodating different walking patterns, habits, tasks, and conflicts. Experiments and comparative studies on a lower-limb exoskeleton robot are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


著者 Yu Chen,Gong Chen,Jing Ye,Chenglong Fu,Bin Liang,Xiang Li
発行日 2023-09-26 07:26:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク