Directed Diffusion: Direct Control of Object Placement through Attention Guidance


DALLE-2、Imagen、eDiff-I、Stable Diffusion などのテキストガイド付き拡散モデルは、目的の画像コンテンツを説明する短いテキスト プロンプトだけを与えれば、事実上無限の種類の画像を生成できます。


Text-guided diffusion models such as DALLE-2, Imagen, eDiff-I, and Stable Diffusion are able to generate an effectively endless variety of images given only a short text prompt describing the desired image content. In many cases the images are of very high quality. However, these models often struggle to compose scenes containing several key objects such as characters in specified positional relationships. The missing capability to “direct” the placement of characters and objects both within and across images is crucial in storytelling, as recognized in the literature on film and animation theory. In this work, we take a particularly straightforward approach to providing the needed direction. Drawing on the observation that the cross-attention maps for prompt words reflect the spatial layout of objects denoted by those words, we introduce an optimization objective that produces “activation” at desired positions in these cross-attention maps. The resulting approach is a step toward generalizing the applicability of text-guided diffusion models beyond single images to collections of related images, as in storybooks. Directed Diffusion provides easy high-level positional control over multiple objects, while making use of an existing pre-trained model and maintaining a coherent blend between the positioned objects and the background. Moreover, it requires only a few lines to implement.


著者 Wan-Duo Kurt Ma,J. P. Lewis,Avisek Lahiri,Thomas Leung,W. Bastiaan Kleijn
発行日 2023-09-26 12:22:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.LG パーマリンク