Travel Demand Forecasting: A Fair AI Approach


旅行需要予測には人工知能 (AI) と機械学習がますます導入されています。
AI ベースの旅行需要予測モデルは正確な予測を生成しますが、予測のバイアスが生じ、公平性の問題が生じる可能性があります。
特に、提案された方法論は、複数の保護された属性 (人種や収入など) に対する AI モデルの公平性を同時に強化できます。
私たちは、イリノイ州シカゴとテキサス州オースティンで実際のライドソーシング旅行データをそれぞれ使用して、提案された方法論のパフォーマンスを評価する 2 つのケーススタディを実施しました。
さらに、私たちの方法論を、正則化項アプローチを採用した 3 つの最先端の方法と比較しました。その結果、予測精度の維持と公平性の強化の両方において、私たちのアプローチがそれらの方法を大幅に上回っていることが実証されました。


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have been increasingly adopted for travel demand forecasting. The AI-based travel demand forecasting models, though generate accurate predictions, may produce prediction biases and raise fairness issues. Using such biased models for decision-making may lead to transportation policies that exacerbate social inequalities. However, limited studies have been focused on addressing the fairness issues of these models. Therefore, in this study, we propose a novel methodology to develop fairness-aware, highly-accurate travel demand forecasting models. Particularly, the proposed methodology can enhance the fairness of AI models for multiple protected attributes (such as race and income) simultaneously. Specifically, we introduce a new fairness regularization term, which is explicitly designed to measure the correlation between prediction accuracy and multiple protected attributes, into the loss function of the travel demand forecasting model. We conduct two case studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology using real-world ridesourcing-trip data in Chicago, IL and Austin, TX, respectively. Results highlight that our proposed methodology can effectively enhance fairness for multiple protected attributes while preserving prediction accuracy. Additionally, we have compared our methodology with three state-of-the-art methods that adopt the regularization term approach, and the results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms them in both preserving prediction accuracy and enhancing fairness. This study can provide transportation professionals with a new tool to achieve fair and accurate travel demand forecasting.


著者 Xiaojian Zhang,Qian Ke,Xilei Zhao
発行日 2023-09-25 15:21:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG パーマリンク