Safety-Tuned LLaMAs: Lessons From Improving the Safety of Large Language Models that Follow Instructions


さらに、LLaMA のようなモデルを微調整するときに、トレーニング セットにわずか 3% の安全例 (数百のデモンストレーション) を追加するだけで、安全性が大幅に向上する可能性があることを示します。
私たちの研究は、指示に従い、安全な行動を示すように LLM を訓練する際のトレードオフを明らかにしています。


Training large language models to follow instructions makes them perform better on a wide range of tasks, generally becoming more helpful. However, a perfectly helpful model will follow even the most malicious instructions and readily generate harmful content. In this paper, we raise concerns over the safety of models that only emphasize helpfulness, not safety, in their instruction-tuning. We show that several popular instruction-tuned models are highly unsafe. Moreover, we show that adding just 3% safety examples (a few hundred demonstrations) in the training set when fine-tuning a model like LLaMA can substantially improve their safety. Our safety-tuning does not make models significantly less capable or helpful as measured by standard benchmarks. However, we do find a behavior of exaggerated safety, where too much safety-tuning makes models refuse to respond to reasonable prompts that superficially resemble unsafe ones. Our study sheds light on trade-offs in training LLMs to follow instructions and exhibit safe behavior.


著者 Federico Bianchi,Mirac Suzgun,Giuseppe Attanasio,Paul Röttger,Dan Jurafsky,Tatsunori Hashimoto,James Zou
発行日 2023-09-25 15:45:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク