Deep learning probability flows and entropy production rates in active matter


スコアを表すために、根底にある順列対称性を尊重しながら粒子間の高次相互作用を学習する、新しい空間的に局所的なトランスフォーマーベースのネットワーク アーキテクチャを導入します。
我々は、運動誘起相分離 (MIPS) が起こる相互作用する活性粒子のいくつかの高次元システムにこの方法を適用することにより、この方法の幅広い有用性と拡張性を実証します。
1 つの充填率で 4096 個の粒子からなるシステムでトレーニングされたネットワークの単一インスタンスが、32768 個もの粒子を含むシステムを含む状態図の他の領域に一般化できることを示します。
この観察を使用して、MIPS における平衡からの逸脱の空間構造を粒子数と充填率の関数として定量化します。


Active matter systems, from self-propelled colloids to motile bacteria, are characterized by the conversion of free energy into useful work at the microscopic scale. These systems generically involve physics beyond the reach of equilibrium statistical mechanics, and a persistent challenge has been to understand the nature of their nonequilibrium states. The entropy production rate and the magnitude of the steady-state probability current provide quantitative ways to do so by measuring the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry and the strength of nonequilibrium transport of measure. Yet, their efficient computation has remained elusive, as they depend on the system’s unknown and high-dimensional probability density. Here, building upon recent advances in generative modeling, we develop a deep learning framework that estimates the score of this density. We show that the score, together with the microscopic equations of motion, gives direct access to the entropy production rate, the probability current, and their decomposition into local contributions from individual particles, spatial regions, and degrees of freedom. To represent the score, we introduce a novel, spatially-local transformer-based network architecture that learns high-order interactions between particles while respecting their underlying permutation symmetry. We demonstrate the broad utility and scalability of the method by applying it to several high-dimensional systems of interacting active particles undergoing motility-induced phase separation (MIPS). We show that a single instance of our network trained on a system of 4096 particles at one packing fraction can generalize to other regions of the phase diagram, including systems with as many as 32768 particles. We use this observation to quantify the spatial structure of the departure from equilibrium in MIPS as a function of the number of particles and the packing fraction.


著者 Nicholas M. Boffi,Eric Vanden-Eijnden
発行日 2023-09-22 16:44:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.soft, cond-mat.stat-mech, cs.LG, cs.NA, math.NA パーマリンク