Cognitive Approach to Hierarchical Task Selection for Human-Robot Interaction in Dynamic Environments


効率的かつ柔軟な人間とロボットの共同作業環境では、ロボット チームのメンバーは、人間のユーザーからの明示的な要求と暗黙のアクションの両方を認識できなければなりません。
このシステムを検証するために、2 種類のスキル (1) お茶作りのスキルと 2) サンドイッチ作りのスキルが階層型タスク ツリーに実装されました。
スキルごとにテーブル上の異なる位置にオブジェクトを配置して 3 つのシナリオをテストしました。


In an efficient and flexible human-robot collaborative work environment, a robot team member must be able to recognize both explicit requests and implied actions from human users. Identifying ‘what to do’ in such cases requires an agent to have the ability to construct associations between objects, their actions, and the effect of actions on the environment. In this regard, semantic memory is being introduced to understand the explicit cues and their relationships with available objects and required skills to make ‘tea’ and ‘sandwich’. We have extended our previous hierarchical robot control architecture to add the capability to execute the most appropriate task based on both feedback from the user and the environmental context. To validate this system, two types of skills were implemented in the hierarchical task tree: 1) Tea making skills and 2) Sandwich making skills. During the conversation between the robot and the human, the robot was able to determine the hidden context using ontology and began to act accordingly. For instance, if the person says ‘I am thirsty’ or ‘It is cold outside’ the robot will start to perform the tea-making skill. In contrast, if the person says, ‘I am hungry’ or ‘I need something to eat’, the robot will make the sandwich. A humanoid robot Baxter was used for this experiment. We tested three scenarios with objects at different positions on the table for each skill. We observed that in all cases, the robot used only objects that were relevant to the skill.


著者 Syed T. Bukhari,Bashira Akter Anima,David Feil-Seifer,Wajahat M. Qazi
発行日 2023-09-22 01:22:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク