Uncertainty-driven Exploration Strategies for Online Grasp Learning


既存の把握予測アプローチは主にオフライン学習に基づいていますが、新しいピッキング シナリオ、つまり目に見えないオブジェクト ポートフォリオ、カメラとビンの設定などにオンラインで適応する際の探索的な把握学習は無視されています。この論文では、オンライン学習のための新しい方法を紹介します。
既存の把握予測アプローチは主にオフライン学習に基づいていますが、新しいピッキング シナリオ、つまり目に見えないオブジェクト ポートフォリオ、カメラとビンの設定などにオンラインで適応する際の探索的な把握学習は無視されています。この論文では、オンライン学習のための新しい方法を紹介します。
この目的を達成するために、まずオンライン把握学習を RL 問題として定式化し、把握報酬予測と把握ポーズの両方を適応させることを提案します。


Existing grasp prediction approaches are mostly based on offline learning, while, ignored the exploratory grasp learning during online adaptation to new picking scenarios, i.e., unseen object portfolio, camera and bin settings etc. In this paper, we present a novel method for online learning of grasp predictions for robotic bin picking in a principled way. Existing grasp prediction approaches are mostly based on offline learning, while, ignored the exploratory grasp learning during online adaptation to new picking scenarios, i.e., unseen object portfolio, camera and bin settings etc. In this paper, we present a novel method for online learning of grasp predictions for robotic bin picking in a principled way. Specifically, the online learning algorithm with an effective exploration strategy can significantly improve its adaptation performance to unseen environment settings. To this end, we first propose to formulate online grasp learning as a RL problem that will allow to adapt both grasp reward prediction and grasp poses. We propose various uncertainty estimation schemes based on Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification and Distributional Ensembles. We carry out evaluations on real-world bin picking scenes of varying difficulty. The objects in the bin have various challenging physical and perceptual characteristics that can be characterized by semi- or total transparency, and irregular or curved surfaces. The results of our experiments demonstrate a notable improvement in the suggested approach compared to conventional online learning methods which incorporate only naive exploration strategies.


著者 Yitian Shi,Philipp Schillinger,Miroslav Gabriel,Alexander Kuss,Zohar Feldman,Hanna Ziesche,Ngo Anh Vien
発行日 2023-09-21 13:06:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク