Towards Robust and Truly Large-Scale Audio-Sheet Music Retrieval


マルチモーダル音楽情報検索のさまざまなアプリケーションは、楽譜 (画像) の大規模なコレクションを対応するオーディオ録音に結び付ける問題、つまり、同じ音楽コンテンツを参照するオーディオと楽譜の抜粋のペアを識別する問題を中心としています。
このタスクに対する典型的かつ最新のアプローチの 1 つは、クロスモーダル深層学習アーキテクチャを採用して、オーディオと楽譜の画像という 2 つの異なるモダリティをリンクする共同埋め込み空間を学習します。


A range of applications of multi-modal music information retrieval is centred around the problem of connecting large collections of sheet music (images) to corresponding audio recordings, that is, identifying pairs of audio and score excerpts that refer to the same musical content. One of the typical and most recent approaches to this task employs cross-modal deep learning architectures to learn joint embedding spaces that link the two distinct modalities – audio and sheet music images. While there has been steady improvement on this front over the past years, a number of open problems still prevent large-scale employment of this methodology. In this article we attempt to provide an insightful examination of the current developments on audio-sheet music retrieval via deep learning methods. We first identify a set of main challenges on the road towards robust and large-scale cross-modal music retrieval in real scenarios. We then highlight the steps we have taken so far to address some of these challenges, documenting step-by-step improvement along several dimensions. We conclude by analysing the remaining challenges and present ideas for solving these, in order to pave the way to a unified and robust methodology for cross-modal music retrieval.


著者 Luis Carvalho,Gerhard Widmer
発行日 2023-09-21 15:11:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IR, cs.LG, cs.SD, eess.AS パーマリンク