A Constructive Approach to Function Realization by Neural Stochastic Differential Equations


これらのシステムは、ニューラル確率微分方程式 (Neural SDE)、決定論的動的システム、および読み出しマップのカスケード相互接続として実装されています。
このようなシステムによって実現される関数のクラスを特徴付けるために、確率的手法と幾何学的 (リー理論的) 手法の両方が使用されます。


The problem of function approximation by neural dynamical systems has typically been approached in a top-down manner: Any continuous function can be approximated to an arbitrary accuracy by a sufficiently complex model with a given architecture. This can lead to high-complexity controls which are impractical in applications. In this paper, we take the opposite, constructive approach: We impose various structural restrictions on system dynamics and consequently characterize the class of functions that can be realized by such a system. The systems are implemented as a cascade interconnection of a neural stochastic differential equation (Neural SDE), a deterministic dynamical system, and a readout map. Both probabilistic and geometric (Lie-theoretic) methods are used to characterize the classes of functions realized by such systems.


著者 Tanya Veeravalli,Maxim Raginsky
発行日 2023-09-21 17:25:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク