Multi-Risk-RRT: An Efficient Motion Planning Algorithm for Robotic Autonomous Luggage Trolley Collection at Airports


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このギャップに対処するために、新しいリスクベースの多方向サンプリング アルゴリズムである多方向リスクベースの急速探索ランダム ツリー (マルチリスク-RRT) を導入します。
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シミュレーションや現実世界の環境研究を含む当社の評価では、マルチリスク RRT が計画の効率性と堅牢性において、既存の一方向および双方向のリスクベース アルゴリズムよりも優れていることが実証されています。


Robots have become increasingly prevalent in dynamic and crowded environments such as airports and shopping malls. In these scenarios, the critical challenges for robot navigation are reliability and timely arrival at predetermined destinations. While existing risk-based motion planning algorithms effectively reduce collision risks with static and dynamic obstacles, there is still a need for significant performance improvements. Specifically, the dynamic environments demand more rapid responses and robust planning. To address this gap, we introduce a novel risk-based multi-directional sampling algorithm, Multi-directional Risk-based Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (Multi-Risk-RRT). Unlike traditional algorithms that solely rely on a rooted tree or double trees for state space exploration, our approach incorporates multiple sub-trees. Each sub-tree independently explores its surrounding environment. At the same time, the primary rooted tree collects the heuristic information from these sub-trees, facilitating rapid progress toward the goal state. Our evaluations, including simulation and real-world environmental studies, demonstrate that Multi-Risk-RRT outperforms existing unidirectional and bi-directional risk-based algorithms in planning efficiency and robustness.


著者 Zhirui Sun,Boshu Lei,Peijia Xie,Fugang Liu,Junjie Gao,Ying Zhang,Jiankun Wang
発行日 2023-09-20 03:28:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク