この研究では、アクティブなロボットの平均数を最小限に抑えながら、ターゲット状態について明示的に制限された推定の不確実性を保証する、オンライン タスクと動作の調整アルゴリズムを提案します。
これには以下の内容が含まれます。(i) 道路網の不確実性を測定した予測目標軌道を考慮した、時間枠を備えた柔軟なサイズの複数車両経路設定問題 (m-MVRPTW) としてモデル化された監視タスクの割り当て。
(ii) 不確実性と安全性の制約の下でロボットの軌道を最適化するための非線形モデル予測制御 (NMPC)。
提案された手法は、最大 100 ドルのロボットとターゲットの大規模シミュレーションによって検証されます。
Fleets of unmanned robots can be beneficial for the long-term monitoring of large areas, e.g., to monitor wild flocks, detect intruders, search and rescue. Monitoring numerous dynamic targets in a collaborative and efficient way is a challenging problem that requires online coordination and information fusion. The majority of existing works either assume a passive all-to-all observation model to minimize the summed uncertainties over all targets by all robots, or optimize over the jointed discrete actions while neglecting the dynamic constraints of the robots and unknown behaviors of the targets. This work proposes an online task and motion coordination algorithm that ensures an explicitly-bounded estimation uncertainty for the target states, while minimizing the average number of active robots. The robots have a limited-range perception to actively track a limited number of targets simultaneously, of which their future control decisions are all unknown. It includes: (i) the assignment of monitoring tasks, modeled as a flexible size multiple vehicle routing problem with time windows (m-MVRPTW), given the predicted target trajectories with uncertainty measure in the road-networks; (ii) the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) for optimizing the robot trajectories under uncertainty and safety constraints. It is shown that the robots can switch between active and inactive roles dynamically online as required by the unknown monitoring task. The proposed methods are validated via large-scale simulations of up to $100$ robots and targets.
著者 | Shuaikang Wang,Yiannis Kantaros,Meng Guo |
発行日 | 2023-09-19 07:17:05+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google