Accelerating Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization in Geometric Vision


この研究では、n 次元の問題に対して n-1 次元空間上で分岐できるようにする、新しい一般的なテクニックを伝えます。
このアプローチの抽象的な紹介に加えて、カメラの切除、相対的なカメラ姿勢の推定、点セットの登録、回転と焦点距離の推定という 4 つの基本的な幾何学的コンピュータ ビジョン問題への応用例を示します。
徹底的なテストを通じて、時には 2 桁を超える大幅な高速化要因を実証し、それによってオンライン アプリケーション シナリオにおけるグローバルに最適なコンセンサス マキシマイザーの実行可能性を高めます。


Branch-and-bound-based consensus maximization stands out due to its important ability of retrieving the globally optimal solution to outlier-affected geometric problems. However, while the discovery of such solutions caries high scientific value, its application in practical scenarios is often prohibited by its computational complexity growing exponentially as a function of the dimensionality of the problem at hand. In this work, we convey a novel, general technique that allows us to branch over an n-1 dimensional space for an n-dimensional problem. The remaining degree of freedom can be solved globally optimally within each bound calculation by applying the efficient interval stabbing technique. While each individual bound derivation is harder to compute owing to the additional need for solving a sorting problem, the reduced number of intervals and tighter bounds in practice lead to a significant reduction in the overall number of required iterations. Besides an abstract introduction of the approach, we present applications to four fundamental geometric computer vision problems: camera resectioning, relative camera pose estimation, point set registration, and rotation and focal length estimation. Through our exhaustive tests, we demonstrate significant speed-up factors at times exceeding two orders of magnitude, thereby increasing the viability of globally optimal consensus maximizers in online application scenarios.


著者 Xinyue Zhang,Liangzu Peng,Wanting Xu,Laurent Kneip
発行日 2023-09-19 15:44:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク