Proposition from the Perspective of Chinese Language: A Chinese Proposition Classification Evaluation Benchmark


これに対応して、命題に関連するすべてのカテゴリをカバーする、複数のドメインから大規模な中国語命題データセット PEACE を作成します。
BERT は比較的優れた命題分類機能を備えていますが、クロスドメイン転送可能性に欠けています。
ChatGPT のパフォーマンスは低いですが、より多くの命題情報を提供することで分類能力を向上させることができます。


Existing propositions often rely on logical constants for classification. Compared with Western languages that lean towards hypotaxis such as English, Chinese often relies on semantic or logical understanding rather than logical connectives in daily expressions, exhibiting the characteristics of parataxis. However, existing research has rarely paid attention to this issue. And accurately classifying these propositions is crucial for natural language understanding and reasoning. In this paper, we put forward the concepts of explicit and implicit propositions and propose a comprehensive multi-level proposition classification system based on linguistics and logic. Correspondingly, we create a large-scale Chinese proposition dataset PEACE from multiple domains, covering all categories related to propositions. To evaluate the Chinese proposition classification ability of existing models and explore their limitations, We conduct evaluations on PEACE using several different methods including the Rule-based method, SVM, BERT, RoBERTA, and ChatGPT. Results show the importance of properly modeling the semantic features of propositions. BERT has relatively good proposition classification capability, but lacks cross-domain transferability. ChatGPT performs poorly, but its classification ability can be improved by providing more proposition information. Many issues are still far from being resolved and require further study.


著者 Conghui Niu,Mengyang Hu,Lin Bo,Xiaoli He,Dong Yu,Pengyuan Liu
発行日 2023-09-18 09:18:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク