Neural Operator: Is data all you need to model the world? An insight into the impact of Physics Informed Machine Learning


偏微分方程式 (PDE) の数値近似は、熱や音の伝播、流体の流れ、弾性、静電気、電気力学など、いくつかの変数の関数を含む物理学、工学、数学の問題の解を定式化するために日常的に使用されます。
有限要素法 (FEM) や有限微分法 (FDM) などの従来のアプローチは、かなりの時間がかかり、計算コストが高くなります。
対照的に、ニューラル ネットワークなどのデータ駆動型の機械学習ベースの手法は、より高速でかなり正確な代替手段を提供し、離散化不変性や解像度不変性などの特定の利点を備えています。
さらに、PDE 演算子学習の解演算子を学習するための、新しく高速な機械学習ベースのアプローチ (~1000 倍) を強調します。


Numerical approximations of partial differential equations (PDEs) are routinely employed to formulate the solution of physics, engineering and mathematical problems involving functions of several variables, such as the propagation of heat or sound, fluid flow, elasticity, electrostatics, electrodynamics, and more. While this has led to solving many complex phenomena, there are some limitations. Conventional approaches such as Finite Element Methods (FEMs) and Finite Differential Methods (FDMs) require considerable time and are computationally expensive. In contrast, data driven machine learning-based methods such as neural networks provide a faster, fairly accurate alternative, and have certain advantages such as discretization invariance and resolution invariance. This article aims to provide a comprehensive insight into how data-driven approaches can complement conventional techniques to solve engineering and physics problems, while also noting some of the major pitfalls of machine learning-based approaches. Furthermore, we highlight, a novel and fast machine learning-based approach (~1000x) to learning the solution operator of a PDE operator learning. We will note how these new computational approaches can bring immense advantages in tackling many problems in fundamental and applied physics.


著者 Hrishikesh Viswanath,Md Ashiqur Rahman,Abhijeet Vyas,Andrey Shor,Beatriz Medeiros,Stephanie Hernandez,Suhas Eswarappa Prameela,Aniket Bera
発行日 2023-09-18 15:26:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, physics.comp-ph パーマリンク