Multi-turn Dialogue Comprehension from a Topic-aware Perspective


トピック モデリングはプレーン テキストで広く研究されていますが、会話の読解においてはさらに活用される価値があります。
まず、対話セグメンテーション アルゴリズムを使用して、対話の一節を教師なしの方法でトピックが集中した断片に分割します。
このタスクでは、自己学習オートエンコーダーを備えたクラスタリング システムを設計し、評価用に 2 つの構築されたデータセットを構築します。
3 つの公開ベンチマークに関する実証研究では、ベースラインに比べて大幅な改善が示されています。


Dialogue related Machine Reading Comprehension requires language models to effectively decouple and model multi-turn dialogue passages. As a dialogue development goes after the intentions of participants, its topic may not keep constant through the whole passage. Hence, it is non-trivial to detect and leverage the topic shift in dialogue modeling. Topic modeling, although has been widely studied in plain text, deserves far more utilization in dialogue reading comprehension. This paper proposes to model multi-turn dialogues from a topic-aware perspective. We start with a dialogue segmentation algorithm to split a dialogue passage into topic-concentrated fragments in an unsupervised way. Then we use these fragments as topic-aware language processing units in further dialogue comprehension. On one hand, the split segments indict specific topics rather than mixed intentions, thus showing convenient on in-domain topic detection and location. For this task, we design a clustering system with a self-training auto-encoder, and we build two constructed datasets for evaluation. On the other hand, the split segments are an appropriate element of multi-turn dialogue response selection. For this purpose, we further present a novel model, Topic-Aware Dual-Attention Matching (TADAM) Network, which takes topic segments as processing elements and matches response candidates with a dual cross-attention. Empirical studies on three public benchmarks show great improvements over baselines. Our work continues the previous studies on document topic, and brings the dialogue modeling to a novel topic-aware perspective with exhaustive experiments and analyses.


著者 Xinbei Ma,Yi Xu,Hai Zhao,Zhuosheng Zhang
発行日 2023-09-18 11:03:55+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク