Error Reduction from Stacked Regressions


構成推定量が、少なくとも 3 次元で区切られた入れ子になった部分空間への線形最小二乗投影である場合、収縮効果のおかげで、結果として得られる積み上げ推定量の母集団リスクが、それらの中で最も優れた単一推定量よりも厳密に小さいことがわかります。
ここでの「最良」とは、AIC や BIC などの選択基準を最小化するモデルを指します。


Stacking regressions is an ensemble technique that forms linear combinations of different regression estimators to enhance predictive accuracy. The conventional approach uses cross-validation data to generate predictions from the constituent estimators, and least-squares with nonnegativity constraints to learn the combination weights. In this paper, we learn these weights analogously by minimizing an estimate of the population risk subject to a nonnegativity constraint. When the constituent estimators are linear least-squares projections onto nested subspaces separated by at least three dimensions, we show that thanks to a shrinkage effect, the resulting stacked estimator has strictly smaller population risk than best single estimator among them. Here “best” refers to a model that minimizes a selection criterion such as AIC or BIC. In other words, in this setting, the best single estimator is inadmissible. Because the optimization problem can be reformulated as isotonic regression, the stacked estimator requires the same order of computation as the best single estimator, making it an attractive alternative in terms of both performance and implementation.


著者 Xin Chen,Jason M. Klusowski,Yan Shuo Tan
発行日 2023-09-18 15:42:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク