Self-Consistent Narrative Prompts on Abductive Natural Language Inference


アブダクティブ自然言語推論 ($\alpha$NLI) タスクが提案されており、この物語テキストベースのタスクは、2 つの観察が与えられた候補から最ももっともらしい仮説を推論することを目的としています。
この研究では、自己一貫性と文間の一貫性を考慮したプロンプト調整モデル $\alpha$-PACE を提案します。
$\alpha$-PACE の必要性と有効性を説明するために、私たちは広範な実験と徹底したアブレーション研究を行っています。


Abduction has long been seen as crucial for narrative comprehension and reasoning about everyday situations. The abductive natural language inference ($\alpha$NLI) task has been proposed, and this narrative text-based task aims to infer the most plausible hypothesis from the candidates given two observations. However, the inter-sentential coherence and the model consistency have not been well exploited in the previous works on this task. In this work, we propose a prompt tuning model $\alpha$-PACE, which takes self-consistency and inter-sentential coherence into consideration. Besides, we propose a general self-consistent framework that considers various narrative sequences (e.g., linear narrative and reverse chronology) for guiding the pre-trained language model in understanding the narrative context of input. We conduct extensive experiments and thorough ablation studies to illustrate the necessity and effectiveness of $\alpha$-PACE. The performance of our method shows significant improvement against extensive competitive baselines.


著者 Chunkit Chan,Xin Liu,Tsz Ho Chan,Jiayang Cheng,Yangqiu Song,Ginny Wong,Simon See
発行日 2023-09-15 10:48:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク