Heuristic Satisficing Inferential Decision Making in Human and Robot Active Perception


新しいアクティブ知覚戦略の有効性は、モデル化されていない時間の制約、リソースの制約、悪天候 (霧) など、既存のアルゴリズムが宝物の探索を完了できない原因となるさまざまな予期せぬ条件下で実証されます。


Inferential decision-making algorithms typically assume that an underlying probabilistic model of decision alternatives and outcomes may be learned a priori or online. Furthermore, when applied to robots in real-world settings they often perform unsatisfactorily or fail to accomplish the necessary tasks because this assumption is violated and/or they experience unanticipated external pressures and constraints. Cognitive studies presented in this and other papers show that humans cope with complex and unknown settings by modulating between near-optimal and satisficing solutions, including heuristics, by leveraging information value of available environmental cues that are possibly redundant. Using the benchmark inferential decision problem known as “treasure hunt’, this paper develops a general approach for investigating and modeling active perception solutions under pressure. By simulating treasure hunt problems in virtual worlds, our approach learns generalizable strategies from high performers that, when applied to robots, allow them to modulate between optimal and heuristic solutions on the basis of external pressures and probabilistic models, if and when available. The result is a suite of active perception algorithms for camera-equipped robots that outperform treasure-hunt solutions obtained via cell decomposition, information roadmap, and information potential algorithms, in both high-fidelity numerical simulations and physical experiments. The effectiveness of the new active perception strategies is demonstrated under a broad range of unanticipated conditions that cause existing algorithms to fail to complete the search for treasures, such as unmodelled time constraints, resource constraints, and adverse weather (fog).


著者 Yucheng Chen,Pingping Zhu,Anthony Alers,Tobias Egner,Marc A. Sommer,Silvia Ferrari
発行日 2023-09-14 13:53:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク