Geometric Gait Optimization for Inertia-Dominated Systems With Nonzero Net Momentum


慣性支配の機械システムは、1) 形状を周期的に変更する (運動学的歩容として知られる)、2) 既存のゼロでない正味運動量を利用するために慣性分布を調整する (運動量歩容として知られる) ことによって、正味変位を実現できます。
したがって、正味運動量の大きさの観点から、2 つのタイプの運動を最も効果的に利用する歩行を見つけることは、運動の研究における重要なテーマです。
任意の運動量と努力制限において、運動量と運動学的効果の両方を考慮した提案された最適歩容は、これらの効果のいずれか 1 つだけを考慮した基準歩容よりも優れています。


Inertia-dominated mechanical systems can achieve net displacement by 1) periodically changing their shape (known as kinematic gait) and 2) adjusting their inertia distribution to utilize the existing nonzero net momentum (known as momentum gait). Therefore, finding the gait that most effectively utilizes the two types of locomotion in terms of the magnitude of the net momentum is a significant topic in the study of locomotion. For kinematic locomotion with zero net momentum, the geometry of optimal gaits is expressed as the equilibria of system constraint curvature flux through the surface bounded by the gait, and the cost associated with executing the gait in the metric space. In this paper, we identify the geometry of optimal gaits with nonzero net momentum effects by lifting the gait description to a time-parameterized curve in shape-time space. We also propose the variational gait optimization algorithm corresponding to the lifted geometric structure, and identify two distinct patterns in the optimal motion, determined by whether or not the kinematic and momentum gaits are concentric. The examples of systems with and without fluid-added mass demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can efficiently solve forward and turning locomotion gaits in the presence of nonzero net momentum. At any given momentum and effort limit, the proposed optimal gait that takes into account both momentum and kinematic effects outperforms the reference gaits that each only considers one of these effects.


著者 Yanhao Yang,Ross L. Hatton
発行日 2023-09-13 18:33:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク