Directed Scattering for Knowledge Graph-based Cellular Signaling Analysis


このような状況では、ソース ノードは通常、シンクとは異なる生物物理学的特性を持ちます。
ただし、機械学習でノード レベルおよびエッジ レベルのタスクを実行する方法の大部分は、これらの特性を考慮していないため、細胞信号ネットワーク推論などの科学的タスクには効果的に活用されていません。
我々は、有向散乱オートエンコーダ (DSAE) と呼ばれる新しいフレームワークを提案します。これは、幾何学的散乱変換の有向バージョンを使用し、オートエンコーダの非線形次元削減特性と双曲空間の幾何学的特性を組み合わせて潜在階層を学習します。


Directed graphs are a natural model for many phenomena, in particular scientific knowledge graphs such as molecular interaction or chemical reaction networks that define cellular signaling relationships. In these situations, source nodes typically have distinct biophysical properties from sinks. Due to their ordered and unidirectional relationships, many such networks also have hierarchical and multiscale structure. However, the majority of methods performing node- and edge-level tasks in machine learning do not take these properties into account, and thus have not been leveraged effectively for scientific tasks such as cellular signaling network inference. We propose a new framework called Directed Scattering Autoencoder (DSAE) which uses a directed version of a geometric scattering transform, combined with the non-linear dimensionality reduction properties of an autoencoder and the geometric properties of the hyperbolic space to learn latent hierarchies. We show this method outperforms numerous others on tasks such as embedding directed graphs and learning cellular signaling networks.


著者 Aarthi Venkat,Joyce Chew,Ferran Cardoso Rodriguez,Christopher J. Tape,Michael Perlmutter,Smita Krishnaswamy
発行日 2023-09-14 15:59:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, q-bio.CB パーマリンク