When Geoscience Meets Foundation Models: Towards General Geoscience Artificial Intelligence System


データ中心の人工知能 (AI) パラダイムとして、ペタバイト規模の構造化データと非構造化データから洞察を明らかにします。
柔軟なタスク仕様、多様な入力と出力、およびマルチモーダルな知識表現により、個別のデータ ソースでは不可能な包括的な分析が可能になります。


Geoscience foundation models represent a revolutionary approach in the field of Earth sciences by integrating massive cross-disciplinary data to simulate and understand the Earth systems dynamics. As a data-centric artificial intelligence (AI) paradigm, they uncover insights from petabytes of structured and unstructured data. Flexible task specification, diverse inputs and outputs and multi-modal knowledge representation enable comprehensive analysis infeasible with individual data sources. Critically, the scalability and generalizability of geoscience models allow for tackling diverse prediction, simulation, and decision challenges related to Earth systems interactions. Collaboration between domain experts and computer scientists leads to innovations in these invaluable tools for understanding the past, present, and future of our planet. However, challenges remain in validation and verification, scale, interpretability, knowledge representation, and social bias. Going forward, enhancing model integration, resolution, accuracy, and equity through cross-disciplinary teamwork is key. Despite current limitations, geoscience foundation models show promise for providing critical insights into pressing issues including climate change, natural hazards, and sustainability through their ability to probe scenarios and quantify uncertainties. Their continued evolution toward integrated, data-driven modeling holds paradigm-shifting potential for Earth science.


著者 Hao Zhang,Jin-Jian Xu
発行日 2023-09-13 08:44:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, physics.geo-ph パーマリンク