Comparative Analysis of Contextual Relation Extraction based on Deep Learning Models


コンテキスト関係抽出 (CRE) は、主にオントロジーを利用してナレッジ グラフを構築するために使用されます。
効率的かつ正確な CRE システムは、生物医学産業における専門知識の創出に不可欠です。
既存の機械学習および自然言語処理 (NLP) 技術は、3 つ以上の関係と不特定のエンティティで構成される文から複雑な関係を効率的に予測するのには適していません。
関係抽出にはさまざまな機械学習モデルが使用されていますが、それらは二項関係、つまり文内の 2 つのエンティティ間で関係が正確に発生した場合にのみ、より良い結果を提供します。


Contextual Relation Extraction (CRE) is mainly used for constructing a knowledge graph with a help of ontology. It performs various tasks such as semantic search, query answering, and textual entailment. Relation extraction identifies the entities from raw texts and the relations among them. An efficient and accurate CRE system is essential for creating domain knowledge in the biomedical industry. Existing Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are not suitable to predict complex relations from sentences that consist of more than two relations and unspecified entities efficiently. In this work, deep learning techniques have been used to identify the appropriate semantic relation based on the context from multiple sentences. Even though various machine learning models have been used for relation extraction, they provide better results only for binary relations, i.e., relations occurred exactly between the two entities in a sentence. Machine learning models are not suited for complex sentences that consist of the words that have various meanings. To address these issues, hybrid deep learning models have been used to extract the relations from complex sentence effectively. This paper explores the analysis of various deep learning models that are used for relation extraction.


著者 R. Priyadharshini,G. Jeyakodi,P. Shanthi Bala
発行日 2023-09-13 09:05:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク